How many times have I heard “I’m bored.” ?
What is the solution? How do you stop boredom? I believe the most prevalent answer is let go of the screen. All screens should be put out of view or reach if need be. We have taught our minds to become numb by being entertained with a screen.
Have you been outside without headphones?
Enjoy Nature
The wind in the trees, the birds in the air, the cows in the pasture next door, or the grass growing in the yard all have a calming effect on the mind that is stimulating.
There once was a time when being outside or alone with your thoughts was not a choice. People were not slumped over saying “I’m Bored”, but rather “Hey did you see the hummingbird, or “that cloud looks like an alligator.” Take time to clean and enjoy the labor you did so you can go outdoors and smell the roses.